Generally when people think of routine vehicle maintenance, they only think of things like oil changes and air filters, so they see the rest of the maintenance service as an unnecessary expense. Unfortunately, looking at it this way means a number of important services never get performed. Brake fluid flush Brake fluid is hygroscopic, which
Cooling system flush service. What is it all about? Cooling system flush service – Your cooling system is what keeps your car from overheating, therefore it is very important. It works by circulating a mixture of water and coolant through the engine. Over time the coolant mixture becomes contaminated with scale and rust, which can
Synthetic vs. Regular Oil? By Admin Overall, is synthetic worth the premium? Given its enhanced performance and longer life, the benefits of synthetic oil may indeed outweigh the additional cost, but the decision comes down to manufacturer requirements, how much you drive, and how diligent you are about changing your oil. First, if your owner’s
Knocking Typically heard when going over bumps, this is usually a sign of bad shocks/struts or bad shock mounts Can also be associated with a bad ball joint Rotational Consistently present and grows louder as the vehicle goes faster. Usually the sign of a failing wheel bearing or of noisy tires Clanking
The best spark plugs for your car Spark plugs have a crucial role to play in the mechanism of the automobiles. A car needs good-quality and fully-functioning plugs for running the engine. There are a couple of spark plug models in the market. Two popular models are Denso and NGK and they work extremely well
How Long Should Brake pads Last? Brake pad wear varies based on a number of factors, including: Factors for Brake pad wear Driving habits: How hard a driver pushes their brakes greatly affects how long the brake pads last. Some drivers ride the brakes and stop abruptly, while others gently coast to a stop. Smooth,